St. Cremin's N.S., Multyfarnham has a staff of 12 teachers, 2 SNAs and 1 full time secretary. Mr Karl Dermody is the Administrative Principal of the school and is assisted with the day to day running of the school by the in school management team of Mrs Sharon Haughey (Vice Principal), Ms Lisa Hoban (Special duties post holder) and Mrs Deirdre Reilly (Special duties post holder).
The following is the staff of St. Cremin's N.S. for the academic year of 2024/2025:
Mrs. Sharon Haughey (Junior Infants)
Ms. Joan Hickson (Senior Infants)
Mrs. Deirdre Reilly (First Class)
Ms. Sinead Lenihan (Second Class)
Ms. Katie Kennedy (Third Class)
Ms. Lisa Hoban (Fourth Class)
Mrs. Joanne Bowers (Fifth Class)
Ms. Kerrie Bradley (Sixth Class)
Ms. Doreen O'Driscoll (Special Education Teacher)
Ms. Elaine Gallogly (Special Education Teacher)
Ms. Amy Collins (Special Education Teacher)
Mrs. Helen Molloy (Special Needs Assistant)
Ms. Ciara McCarthy (Special Needs Assistant)
Mrs. Olivia Feerick (School secretary)
St. Cremin's National School, Multyfarnham, Co. Westmeath | Phone: 044 93 71122